Can you guess how job numbers changed under Harper and Trudeau?

By Nael Shiab

March 26, 2025

What do the numbers show us about the job market in Canada while Justin Trudeau was prime minister? How do these compare to the period Stephen Harper was in office?

Draw lines in the charts below to show how you think things have changed.

Then, hit the submit button to see how your guesses stack up against the actual data.

Of course, these numbers only tell part of the story, so check out the analysis at the end. But let's start here to test your perception against what these data points show.

Hourly wages

Unemployment rate

2 governments, 2 once-in-a-generation economic shocks
Peter Zimonjic • CBC News

Over the last two decades, both Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau presided over labour markets hit with once-in-a-generation economic shocks. For Harper, that disruption was the 2008 financial crisis, and for Trudeau it was the COVID-19 pandemic.

In both cases, things started out with a relatively stable period of employment before a stark spike in the unemployment rate. In Harper’s era, unemployment was near historic lows in the fall of 2008; in the year that followed, 400,000 jobs were lost. For Trudeau, the pandemic led to the shutting down of the entire economy, costing roughly 3.4 million jobs and resulting in a 20 per cent decline in employment across the country.

Economists who study the labour market note that while both economies recovered their initial job losses, the recovery from the pandemic and from the 2008 financial crisis were very different.

The 2008 financial crisis was more like a traditional recession than the pandemic downturn because once it was over, demand rose slowly, with jobs and wages returning to strength at the same slow pace, according to Rafael Gomez, a University of Toronto professor and labour market expert.

The pandemic, he says, was unlike any other downturn because once it was over, demand exploded. People had money and they wanted to buy goods, take advantage of services and travel again. The problem was finding the employees to meet that demand.

“There were fewer workers coming out of the pandemic than went in,” Gomez told CBC News. With fewer employees able to meet swiftly rising demand, the federal government decided to expand the temporary foreign worker program to fill the gap.

Statistics Canada said that by the end of 2023, there were more than 2.5 million non-permanent residents in the country — a class that includes international students and temporary foreign workers — compared to just 1.3 million in the fall of 2021.

Do these numbers match your reality? Have you been struggling to find a job with decent pay? Is this an issue you’ll be voting on in this election? We’d like to hear from you. Send an email to

How we got the numbers

Data for hourly wages comes from the Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, more specifically the Average usual hours and wages by selected characteristics, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality table. The geography is "Canada," the characteristic "15 years and over" and the variable "Employees, average hourly wages."

Data for the unemployment rate comes from the Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, more specifically the Labour force characteristics by province, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality table. The geography is "Canada", the gender "Total - Gender," the age group "15 years and over" and labour force characteristic "Unemployment rate."

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  • Data analysis: Nael Shiab
  • Design: Richard Grasley
  • Development: Adam Nyx, Nael Shiab, Robert Davidson, CBC News Labs